Hi! My name is Mark Elwood.

I’m the creator of The Glass Looker. This is me at the moment I realized that I would be spending the next several years working on a graphic novel.

It all started small. I decided to illustrate each treasure dig, relying heavily on Dan Vogel’s work.

The more I dug into the history, the more I realized how many great overlooked stories are out there. I created a database to organize individual’s accounts.

I’m a visual learner, so character cards helped me keep track of who’s who.

I thumbnail out each story in a sketchbook.

My thumbnails help me to sketch out a draft of each page spread.

Then the fun part! I render out full 11×17 pencils, scan, and do the rest of the work on the computer.

The printed version looks great!

The project spawns many spin off projects. Sketches, illustrations, charts, graphics and maps.
When will The Glass Looker be finished?
As soon as I can! I love working on this, but I do want to do it correctly. If it takes longer I don’t mind. I am shooting for 2022 because that’s roughly 200 years from the time Joseph got his brown seer stone and the glass-looking really began!
How long will the book be?
I am estimating it will come in at 500 pages. However it really depends on the extra content I add. I include quotes and clips of accounts, newspaper clippings, maps, charts, etc. I’m a nerd.
Will this book be historically accurate?
You bet! I’ve been researching this for roughly 5 years in preparation for this project. I once spent a whole day researching what a revolutionary war “knapsack” is.
What time frame in history does the graphic novel cover?
My story covers the “Origin Story” of Joseph Smith Jr. It begins in the 1820s and ends after the Book of Mormon is published, The Church is founded and the early saints are headed to Kirtland, OH.
How are you publishing?
I’m currently planing on self publishing, but I will begin pitching the project in 2020 to agents. Perhaps they will change my mind. Along the way I’ll be releasing volumes to help fund the project with the goal of a single massive hardcover version upon completion.
Is this an Anti-Mormon Book?
No. I’m writing this as if each legend is true. The good, the bad, the ugly. I take each account and portray it as if the teller is just relating what he or she saw. I try not to make up details. I am not drawing what I personally believe. I’m letting the viewer read the legends and make up their own mind. Surprisingly I have had good reception for this method of portrayal from across the spectrum of Mormon belief.
Who is your audience?
First, I’m making this for myself. My whole life, I’ve made charts and diagrams as I obsess out about things and this is just a larger extension of that. Second I’m hoping that Mormons of all types would be interested to hear stories about the founder of the faith. Third, I’ve come to realize that the story I’ve compiled is a historical fantasy story that I believe appeals to a wide audience.
Are you a Mormon?
Yes. I was raised Mormon and will always claim the title. I come from the Brighamite branch of Mormonism. For my Mormon street cred – I served a two year mission and was married in the temple. While I tend to consider myself Ex-Mormon or Post-Mormon I respect each person’s individual beliefs.
How can I support the project?
I have a Patreon page where I’m trying to raise funds to hire a second artist and if you’d like to purchase paper or something else to help with the project I have an Amazon Wish List . Thanks for the help!